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The Gentlewoman Page 3

  “Is that what you do?” He held the door open for her.

  “Well, I have a car here, but I use a service for work during the session. It’s faster than trying to find parking.” He directed her out the back door of the building to the parking area behind a small green space. He clicked the key fob in his hand and a blue BMW answered. He opened the passenger door for her.

  “I guess I didn’t think about that.”

  “Hungry, Morgan? I’m famished. Would you mind if we eat first?”

  “That sounds great. I am kind of hungry.”

  “Good, I know a great little restaurant in DuPont Circle if you don’t mind Italian?”

  “Sounds good. So what committees are you working with this session?” She thought she sounded casual.

  “My usual. I’m chair of several of the subcommittees on Homeland, and I sit on Energy and Commerce and Appropriations.” He gracefully swung the car through the early evening traffic. He might be a good ally to have in her corner after all. “What committees are you looking to serve with?”

  “I was hoping for Energy and Commerce myself. I’m also interested in Health and Human Services.”

  He glanced at her as they pulled up to a red light. “There’s an opening on Energy and Commerce. You may be a good fit, a freshman from a swing state. I’d back you.”

  “Thanks, Dorn.” That was all she could manage as she looked into his eyes. That was too easy, and she wondered what he’d want in return. She decided to wait for it, make him ask.

  They continued to talk until they arrived at the restaurant. The place was packed, with the Saturday night crowd in full swing. She was wondering how long they’d have to wait for a table, as Jackson sauntered up to the hostess. He flashed his beautiful white smile, and asked her if there was anything available right away. The hostess, a tall thin blonde in a very low-cut black evening dress, all but swooned and checked the book behind the counter. Rory rolled her eyes when the hostess looked up and giggled.

  “Right this way, Congressman Dorn.”

  They were led through the packed restaurant and several people turned to shake hands with Dorn. Rory went seemingly unnoticed to the men and one or two women he exchanged pleasantries with.

  They were seated and a waiter came immediately to take their drink order. “I feel a little underdressed,” she confessed, looking around.

  “Don’t worry, there’s really no dress code here.”

  She picked up her menu. “Come here often, do you?”

  “I come here occasionally.”

  “On your numerous dates?”

  “My reputation precedes me, I see. Yes, I like to go out and have fun.” He chuckled.

  “You do have quite the reputation. I believe they call you Playboy Dorn.”

  “Yes, Playboy Dorn. I’m a playboy because I go on some dates and throw parties on occasion.”

  “Well, there’s also the rumored sex-capades. Don’t forget about those,” she answered with a smile on her face.

  “Don’t believe everything you hear, Morgan. You know that.” He set his menu down and looked around. “I haven’t had anywhere near the amount of fun the media and gossips give me credit for.”

  The waiter returned. Rory ordered the lobster-stuffed ravioli while Jackson chose the lasagna and ordered a crisp dry pinot grigio to accompany the food.

  As they started on their salads and bread, she pressed further. “So you’re trying to tell me that you’re not the sexual rogue the rumors give you credit for?” She couldn’t seem to stop herself.

  “Well, I’m no angel, but no, I’m not the man-whore they make me out to be. I think it’s just because it’s novel to have a single congressman. You’ll see. They’ll start tracking your companions as well.”

  She laughed. “There won’t be any companions for me. I’m just here to work.”

  “Well you’re going to have to give yourself a break every once in a while. Otherwise you’ll burn out and do no good here. And what about the social activities you’ll need to attend? You’ll need an escort to those. Half the deals in Congress are made at dinner parties and happy hours.”

  “Is a set of testicles mandatory for admission?”

  He laughed hard, throwing his head back. “No, but it’s customary. Come to think of it, we haven’t had a single congresswoman in the recent past. Or at all that I can think of.” He tried to recall such a situation. “Well, this ought to give the gossips something to talk about, two unmarried folks in Congress at the same time. What is the world coming to?” He smiled again as the food arrived.

  Dinner was delicious and Jackson engaged her in conversation about the shipyard. She explained the deal, how bringing that hull-building industry to Cleveland would revitalize the steel business, and he listened intently as she described the jobs growth and economic indicators she could rattle off from memory.

  “I had heard Trojan Japan was looking to relocate their hull-building yards, but didn’t know Cleveland was a frontrunner for the deal. Congressman Powell from South Carolina has been courting them, a couple others I’ve heard of as well. What’s your hook to beat them out?”

  “We’ve been talking to Trojan Japan for quite a while now, pointing out the benefits of freshwater building. They’re interested; it cuts down on their EPA licensing and filing fees. Plus they get the benefit of the steel and iron distribution channels and other raw materials availability in the region. It’s a money saver for them.”

  “Then what’s the holdup? Sounds like a no-brainer.”

  “The EPA is the holdup right now. Our Environmental Protection Agency needs to release the report on Lake Erie in the next three months so the deal can go through. This is a new one on the EPA. In addition to the usual environmental tests on the lake, in order to be approved to support building of oceangoing vessels, Lake Erie has to test negative on several higher-based environmental standards that have never been routine to conduct in fresh water. Very expensive tests, usually in the budgets for those oceanfront locations that do shipbuilding. EPA has been awaiting appropriations, but time is of the essence.”

  He pulled his cell phone from the holster in his belt and looked at the caller ID. He held up his index finger. “Hold that thought one moment, I’m sorry… Hey, kid, what’s up?”

  Rory took the opportunity to study him. He was very handsome and her gaze slowly descended from his smooth aristocratic features and trailed down his muscular neck. His Adam’s apple was pronounced, and the thought occurred to her that she’d like to run her tongue over it. Her eyes continued to travel to where his neck formed a V. She imagined her tongue laving that spot as well until she looked up and noticed he was looking directly into her eyes. She immediately swung her gaze in the direction of the waiter as she considered how much she would love another drink.

  He hung up his phone. “Now where were we? You were telling me about your bid for the shipbuilding yard. You’re going to need to chase votes on the Appropriations Committee. They aren’t going to come easily.” As he said this, his eyes roved over her.

  “Well, perhaps I can count on your vote, Congressman.” She stared straight into his eyes. “What would that cost me?”

  He leaned forward in his chair and placed his elbows on the table. With his chin propped on his entwined fingers, his eyes softened and became seductive. His smile was very sultry, smirking. “I’d have to give that some serious consideration, Congresswoman. I wonder what you’d offer me.”

  “I’m not sure I have much to offer in exchange. I just got here, and I’m not very popular yet.” She kept her steely gaze trained on him. Her motto, “show no fear”, repeating in her head.

  “I’m sure as time goes by I can think of something.” His smile told her no shoes would be required for what he had in mind. She was becoming hot, which made her uncomfortable. She turned the subject back to him.

  “So was that a call from one of your many women?”

  He let out a deep breath and leaned back in his seat. �
��No, actually that was my son.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know you had a son. How old is he?” This offered her some insight into the playboy she hadn’t expected.

  “He’s seventeen, a junior in high school. He lives with my ex-wife in Portland. I see him a couple weekends a month, either here or in Maine. He’s on his high school basketball team and is fascinated with the girls,” he said smiling.

  “So he’s a chip off the old block. How long have you been divorced?”

  “Going on ten years. We split when Ryan was seven. I think he’s dealt with it pretty well. He’s a straight-A student and we really have no problems with him…besides the fact that he’s a huge horn dog and constantly chasing the girls.” He smiled as if this was something he was secretly proud of. She laughed. It was very endearing, his obvious affection for and pride in his son. She wondered why he and his wife split. With his reputation she immediately wondered if he had been unfaithful. Unfortunately, it wasn’t unusual in their line of work.

  “You’re wondering why my wife and I divorced, aren’t you?”

  She shrugged. He was so handsome. In the dim light of the restaurant, his blue eyes shined and she knew his lips were soft and kissable. She was attracted to him, but who wouldn’t be? He looked like he should be modeling underwear for GQ magazine. No wonder he was a playboy. Women probably swooned at his feet.

  “It’s really none of my business.”

  “I don’t mind. It’s no secret. My wife was unfaithful.” He said it almost casually and it took her by surprise. He was so beautiful, one wouldn’t expect anybody to be unfaithful to a body and face like that.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sure that was difficult,” she offered, hoping to end this line of conversation.

  “Yes, it was a very difficult time for me. Believe it or not, I would have preferred to remain married and work through the situation. We tried, but without trust and with some real issues I had with her ideas on marriage, we couldn’t make it work. That commitment was one I took very seriously. She didn’t, so we had to divorce.”

  She reeled from his disclosure. He was very straightforward, didn’t feel a need to hold anything back. Not like her. Of course, she doubted even adultery hurt as much as your spouse murdering your father. She was becoming even more uncomfortable with this conversation and her involuntary sarcastic impulses continued.

  “So since then, you’ve been playing hard with a long line of lovely ladies, from what I’ve heard. May as well enjoy life, eh?”

  “Well, I do enjoy women. I’m not going to lie. Except for the time I was married, I’ve always had an appetite for certain pleasures. Although it has been overblown in the media because of my profession. I’m not nearly as misbehaved as they say.” He shot her a wide grin, and she immediately knew he was lying through his teeth. Something told her this hot bastard had played hard and taken advantage of his appeal. She seemed to recall gossip about his preference for two or more women at the same time.

  “Well I’m not easily offended. I won’t keep count of the women I see leaving your apartment with their panties in a bag.” She was feeling prickly, and if she were honest with herself, a little jealous. Of whom, she wasn’t sure.

  “Shall we go shopping for furniture? I really need to get my condo finished.”

  “Certainly.” He signaled the waiter for the check. “How did you like your dinner?”

  “It was very good. I like this place. It’s very relaxing.” In spite of the intimate dialogue, she did feel relaxed. Once she looked past the fact that she was with Mr. Sexiest Man Alive, she felt herself unwinding. The thought made her nervous. She needed to keep her guard up. He was a politician too, and she didn’t need the multitude of trouble this man could bring her. Keep this very friendly and platonic, she reminded herself.

  Jackson followed Rory through the various seating arrangements and designer pieces at the furniture store. As they approached a cream-colored sofa, he sat down heavily.

  “I like this one. How about this one?”

  Rory snorted and sat down on the beige sofa across from him. “That one looks exactly like your sofa. I like this one.” She patted and squeezed the sofa she was sitting on. She moved on to select a coffee table and end tables and then turned her attention to the bedroom furniture.

  Walking ahead of her, Jackson flopped down on the first bed they came to. “Now this is more like it.” He patted the bed next to him in invitation.

  “In your dreams, Dorn. I already have a new mattress and box spring. I just want an actual bed and dresser or two.”

  “You still have to try it out. You can’t buy a bed without lying in it first.” He rolled onto his side and patted the mattress again.

  Rory walked farther into the bedroom department and moved toward a traditional missionary-style set. The headboard and footboard had wooden slats and the matching dressers were traditional, just her style. She stretched out on her side. To her surprise, Dorn quietly slid in behind her. She turned and gazed into his gorgeous baby blues.

  “Did somebody invite you to share this bed with me?” She blinked with amusement, even to her own surprise.

  “I was hoping you would ask me to share your bed.” He grinned widely. She was a little stunned at his audacity. “Do you sleep on the left or right, Morgan?”

  “Get the hell out of here,” she said, scooting to rise from the bed. He caught her around the waist and held her down, spooning her.

  “Come on, which side?”

  “Let me go, you ass.” She squirmed, laughing.

  “Left or right? I need to know.” His right arm squeezed her around the waist, and his left arm wrapped around her shoulders. Rory stilled and closed her eyes. Warmth wrapped around her and she felt the muscles in his arms and chest contract as he squeezed her gently. He whispered in her ear. “I like this bed. I like the slats. They’re good for attachments.” His warm breath sent a shiver through her. His body heat seeped into her and she melted into him, her own breath catching, her body tingling. His nose nudged her ear and rubbed down her neck. She took a deep breath. He felt really good.

  “What kind of attachments?” She wasn’t sure she really wanted to know but couldn’t resist asking. She breathed heavily, his arms so big and strong around her. She placed her hands on his forearms.

  “You feel so good. You smell good too.” He inhaled deeply, his nose buried in her hair. “Handcuffs and other fun things. Could you handle that?”

  Rory stiffened. Anger sliced through her. What the hell was she doing? She pushed against him, sat up and steadied herself.

  “You’re funny. I don’t remember placing myself on the menu. You don’t need to know what I can handle, and I’d rather not know how you like to spend your free time.” She took a steadying breath, brushed her hair back and rose to her feet.

  She made a show of checking out the dressers. She didn’t want to show how ruffled she was. She wasn’t even sure why. She lost her senses when she was around Jackson Dorn. She was in DC to represent her constituents. She didn’t need this hot bastard mixing her up.

  She left the area to seek out a salesman. Minutes later he caught up with her and as he hovered, Rory chose the exact finishes and slipcover designs for her new furniture. A half-hour later, everything was wrapped up and her living room furniture would be delivered by week’s end. Unfortunately, the bedroom set would be several weeks, as it was not in stock. She’d have to remain sleeping on the mattress on the floor for the time being.

  As they got into the car and closed the doors, Jackson turned to her. “Rory, I didn’t mean to offend you back there. I was just flirting. It’s what I do.” He smiled at her hopefully.

  She gazed into his eyes. Damn but he was beautiful. She couldn’t deny the effect his handsome face had on her. She sighed in resignation.

  “It’s fine, Dorn. To be honest, I usually keep to myself and my tight group of friends and supporters. It’s just been easier that way since the attack.” She caught herself off guard by m
entioning it to him.

  She wasn’t being totally honest. It was her reaction to him. Nobody had ever had this effect on her. Last night she had kissed and flirted with him so freely. She liked it. She liked him, and she really liked his body wrapped around hers. But it scared the shit out of her that he could make her vulnerable. She couldn’t trust him.

  She stared straight ahead. It was just easier to avoid any situation that required any level of trust.

  “I’m glad you’re not mad. I had a good time tonight.” It was obvious he didn’t believe for a minute that she wasn’t a little upset.

  “Thanks, me too. Thanks for dinner. I really liked that restaurant,” she offered as she finally met his eyes.

  Jackson started the car and they drove home in relative silence. After saying good night, Rory let herself into her apartment, relieved and anxious at the same time. She washed up and climbed onto her mattress, sighing deeply as she lay back. As she relaxed and reflected on the day, she vowed to herself she was going to stay away from Dorn. Jesus, if they got that close and personal going to dinner and shopping for fucking furniture, what the hell else would happen?

  Chapter Three

  She was frantic. Aidan had called and said to be in front of the building at two, that he had something to discuss with her. The way he had spoken frightened her. He said her father was in trouble and needed her. What the hell could that mean? She hit the speed dial on her phone assigned to Special Agent Tagg. For the third time it went straight to voicemail. Fucking FBI, just when she needed them they weren’t hovering. She stood in front of City Hall and looked around. Traffic on Lakeside Avenue was very light at this hour. What should she do? His voice had sounded strange and she felt threatened. The FBI had warned her against going off with him alone, now that it was getting near the end. But what could she do? Her father wasn’t picking up his cell phone and the office phone went unanswered. That never happened at the station.

  Should she refuse to go with him? He would be suspicious. The investigation might be jeopardized if he was tipped off at this point. He was already constantly questioning her on her day, where she had gone, whom she had met with. She knew her time was limited before he became volatile. The FBI was going to bust him any day. They were just busy building their evidence with more taped phone conversations. They kept saying they just needed a few more. They were taking their sweet fucking time.